Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Acupuncture Helps Irritability

Do you ever feel like you just want to scream?  Shout to the roof tops? We all suffer from irritability and moodiness from time to time, but if you find irritability is ongoing and a consequence of chronic stress in your life, then acupuncture may be a great solution for you.

Over time if your emotions aren’t released and imbalances corrected, you may find yourself dealing with more serious emotional conditions such as anxiety and depression.  Physical conditions such as digestive problems, trouble sleeping and the tendency to get sick more frequently can also result and lead to further stressors that just repeat this viscous cycle of imbalance.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, emotional disorders can be associated with a number of different patterns, however, anger, irritability, and frustration are all signs that our blood and qi (life force) is not flowing smoothly. The liver is responsible for the smooth flowing of blood and qi (life force) throughout our body and for calming our emotions. When the function of your liver is stagnant or disrupted, qi can become stuck. This is referred to as liver qi stagnation.

Liver qi stagnation is one of the most common patterns of disharmony seen in today's patients. In addition to irritability and moodiness, signs and symptoms may include: pain in the area below the ribs, stuffiness of the chest, sighing, abdominal distention, nausea, sour regurgitation, belching, diarrhea or constipation, feeling of a lump in the throat, irregular periods, painful periods, and distention of the breasts prior to periods. Liver qi stagnation is commonly associated with PMS.

Acupuncture and Oriental medicine are excellent at relieving liver qi stagnation. Treatment for irritability and moodiness associated with liver qi stagnation focuses on moving qi and supporting the liver and spleen organ systems with acupuncture, lifestyle and nutritional recommendations.

Learn more about how acupuncture and Oriental medicine can be integrated into your emotional and physical wellness plan!  An individualized treatment plan can help you feel better quickly and safely.

Deborah Farley is a licensed acupuncturist, naturopath and owner of the Acupuncture Clinic of Richmond, in Richmond, Virginia. She's a leading authority on using nutrition and Chinese medicine for treating symptoms and root causes of illness.  For additional resources to improve your health and wellness, visit www.debifarley.com or call 804.288.3927.