Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DOING, DOING, DOING by Vickie Griffith

Do you have this insatiable urge to always be "doing"?  A drive to be busy and to stay busy? You may know where this drive came from. Or, it may be just the way you have always been.

Two ten year-old best girlfriends are lying on the floor, in front of the fan on a hot summer's day reading. One of the girl's mothers runs into the room yelling to get outside and help weed the garden. The little girl's 10 year-old brain interprets mom's request as a criticism that she is lazy and unproductive.

From that moment on, a belief was created to always be doing something productive. Reading was not productive. After all, there was nothing tangible produced? 

I was that 10 year-old little girl and that belief carried on with me throughout my life to always be "doing." The belief is that I have to always be doing something that produces something real. But what is real? What counts as "real"?

This mindset keeps us stuck. DOING, DOING, DOING keeps us running in the hamster wheel but never getting anywhere. Yes, we are busy but not necessarily productive.

The funny thing is, in my business and for many other women I know, there is rarely anything tangible produced on an everyday basis. Feelings of failed accomplishment or productivity flood our thoughts. Yet many "doing" activities are vital at maintaining or growing a business.

Changing the mindset for the value of doing and the activities that don't' produce a tangible product is important to building a foundation for success in the future. Regardless if you are building a business, juggling work and life schedules -- "doing" is necessary! Switching the mindset from the outcome needs to be productive to being mindful of the activities. Be present in the moment.

Celebrate not only what you got done but the process of "doing".  This will get you unstuck and out of the hamster wheel.

Need a little help getting unstuck? Join Vickie for a free Teleseminar, "How to Move from Sad, Broke, and Stuck...to Happy, Wealthy, and Free" on Thursday, August 16. Get all the details here: www.stuckedup.com