Tuesday, April 19, 2011

JuiceFeast Day 21

Today is day 21 of my 92 day JuiceFeast!! Some of you have been asking how are things going, what am I feeling, how's the media fast going, etc... So I wanted to answer those questions for you.

As I've mentioned before this is my 2nd 92 day juice feast. What I have really paid attention to the last couple of days is that in some ways this one is a little harder than the last one. As someone pointed out to me the novelty is no longer there. I know what to expect this time around. What I've struggled with is that I have wanted to try some new raw food recipes that sound really delicious. So it's been very hard to kind of restrain myself from that. So when I see them I just go have a juice or eat my bee pollen and I'm good. Other than that it has been very easy for me.

I also reflected back on my first two weeks as to how I felt and what I experienced. The first week I had some trouble sleeping around day 4 or 5. I kept waking up, having some really vivid dreams, and I would wake up early. I felt rested and had plenty of energy throughout the day but I was ready for bed early! I also spent a couple of days that first weekend really not doing much, I slept 10 hours one day!! And those of you that know me, know that doesn't ever happen. But after that first weekend sleep and energy leveled out. I also felt like I was detoxing on a deeper level than I did the first time. I did have a day that first weekend in which I felt weepy all day. Also between day 4 and day 9 I felt like I had a very short tolerance level for ignorance, stupid actions, and absolutely no patience with anything or anybody. Thankfully that all leveled out quickly. As I ended week 2 and weighed myself I had lost a total of 9.5 lbs. As I said that is not the intention of this feast but it is definitely an added bonus!!!

Now for the media fast! That has been quit an eye opener. I notice that I am no longer involved in any of the daily drama associated around the propaganda that we are often fed. Which is the viewpoint of a particular person on any given day of any news events. I'm not being bombarded by advertisements for any medications for any disease I might have, told what miracle weight loss supplement is out there, or to buy food that I wouldn't eat anyway or that is going to cause be to have bad health. Although I do have to admit that sometimes those commercials would trigger cravings, like pizza ! I feel like I'm in my own little world where there is nothing but peace, great health, and good weather. No tragedies or drama. While I know that isn't true it has certainly made me feel much lighter and better than when I watch this stuff. I'm also getting all sorts of projects done around the house, I'm reading more, and I'm spending more time outside and in my garden. It's been very relaxing, peaceful, and productive to be unplugged. I would like to challenge you to try for one weekend and see how you feel. Don't watch any TV, get online on facebook, browse the internet, or anything like that for three days. Notice how your sleep is, what your mood is like, what you discover and let me know through your comments.